I was just talking with the estimable Peter Fox and he reminded me of a producer comment. We were both in the room and can verify that we both heard the very same thing.
Peter was at the console recording a score I had written – this was in his home studio. We were listening to a playback. Two producers were hovering over us shouting meaningless directives. And at some pivotal point, one of the producers said ” Can’t you make it more edgy? You know, just add some more sharps and flats.” All I can remember of Peter is his face as tears came out of his eyes; he was shaking he was laughing so hard and biting his fist so he wouldn’t laugh out loud. I can’t remember one other thing about the session: not the music. that the name of the film. Not the producers names ( thankfully, because I would have used them here). Nothing but that line.
Hi Charlie,
Great looking site. I really like the archive selections. If you get a chance check out my site, would you? And in an ever expanding musical adventure you’ll be pleased to know I’ve joined the Arlington County Symphonic Orchestra. I’m auditioning for tympani. Wish me luck.