A Sunday to recover from a very full week of music. Music is, all in all, a very satisfying way to make a living. But still it wears me out. Had a full week of writing for Susan Koch’s film. The Other City. I am thru the first pass. Now to send the master editor Jeff Werner, my ruffs. We’ll see how he likes what I have done…
On Wednesday, Tommy B., Pete O. and MO and I laid down rhythm tracks for the new Chaise Lounge CD. It was sooooo much fun. Some days it just flows. We got five – count ’em 5!!!! finished in a little over three hours. The engineer is, of course, Ken Schubert. Even he was enthusiastic about this. And Ken is the most placid guy I know. I think his resting pulse is about 30 bpm. Marilyn sang scratch vocals just to make it easy to play. She was sick and generally exhausted and still if I were to press the CD using those vocals I think people would love them. That girl just cannot sing out of tune or with any apparent stress in her voice. Just being around her lowers my blood pressure.
Met with Sonny Izon to look at his new film, Chocolate Soldiers. It is the story of all the African American troops that served in WW2. A million. That surprised me. Of all the pictures of “the greatest generation” you never see any – really any – African American troops. Yet there were a million. The story of the segregation that the Army brought to Europe is heartbreaking. This could be a really good film .
I got a flu shot.
The Redskins play Philly tomorrow night on national TV – Monday night football. I am predicting a horrific outcome.