by Modern Songbook Records | Jun 19, 2019 | Charlie's Blog, News, Past Shows
It is a long drive, but well worth it for us, to play for a crowd of vetted, committed music lovers. Janet Kenworthy has made it one of her life’s missions to build a heavenly musical oasis in the middle of North Carolina. Is there an award for people like this? There should be. I don’t think that my band ever feels so appreciated as we do when we play in this quirky little space in Aberdeen NC. Every ounce, every square inch of this place is dedicated to providing a great concert experience for the audience and the band. A shout out right here to David, our sound engineer, who makes us feel and sound great on stage. 

by Modern Songbook Records | Apr 4, 2012 | Charlie's Blog, News, Past Shows
What I do in my spare time.
Cabaret Scenes Review – Gia MoraGia Mora constantly surprises with her many talents. The realization that she is a gifted singer is obvious from any song in the show, but she is also, by turns, a lyricist, a dancer, a comedienne, an actress and somewhat of an expert on theoretical physics.

by Modern Songbook Records | Jan 20, 2012 | Gallery, Past Shows
Charlie performed with his band The Chaise Lounge, at the Hamilton, in Washington DC, on January 14, 2012. All images were taken by Michael O’Keefe.