Give Me the Orchestra Returns

Give Me the Orchestra Returns

Once again this fall, my wonderful home of Montgomery County, Maryland, sponsored an orchestral concert for every single second grader in the county. It amounts to thousands of kids, many of whom are experiencing live orchestral music for the first time. I was honored to have my composition Second Grade, Second Line aka Give Me the Orchestra included in the program. It’s a participatory piece with a New Orleans groove that introduces children to the orchestra’s various sections. There’s nothing quite like hearing 2,200 eight-year-olds screaming, “Give me the strings!”

Spectre in Allentown: ‘Wry, glib,’ ‘humorously quirky’

Spectre in Allentown: ‘Wry, glib,’ ‘humorously quirky’

The first run of The Spectre of Death, my heavy-metal comedy, is in the books, and the critics liked it! Here’s the Lehigh Valley Press:

“Barnett writes wryly, glibly and humorously about the foibles of fame and its often corrosive effects on the psyche. Barnett’s often laugh-out-loud funny play is a bit of a cautionary tale, and not only for aspiring, or expiring, old rockers.”

And the Lehigh Valley Stage:

“An original comedy that is humorously quirky with unexpected twists.”

I got to see two performances and was proud and honored by what the Crowded Kitchen Players were able to do with this play.


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