My jazz band, Chaise Lounge, played an amazing gig recently. The word “gig” does not quite describe the experience of playing a concert at Washington DC’s National Cathedral. The enormous, reverberant space itself is noteworthy. But add to that: playing a concert with the The President’s Own Marine Chamber Orchestra and the National Cathedral choir accompanying us! We performed a medley of wartime favorites: “Over There” for World War I; “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” for World War II, etc. The event was sold out and an utterly fantastic experience, especially since I was given the opportunity to arrange our medley for these crackerjack ensembles. PBS filmed the whole concert for a special that you can watch here. I’d like to give a shout-out to the filmmaker, Joel Westbrook, as well as Col. Jason Fettig, the Marine orchestra’s conductor, and Mike McCarthy, the director of music at the National Cathedral. All of them are fabulous to work with.
Chaise Lounge at the National Cathedral
by Modern Songbook Records | Nov 30, 2018 | Charlie's Blog, News